We carry out a detailed audit on your website, SEO, content, and social media profiles. You receive traffic light comments and recommendations to put into place right away.

Start your marketing audit

Why get a marketing audit?

You know your business inside out. Our digital marketing review takes an outside look in. Get a fresh perspective from our team of marketing specialists.

Your website and social profiles can always be improved. An audit takes stock of what’s working and locates easy fixes you can make right away – things you can do yourself. It might be as simple as a broken link but having an expert eye spots things you might not have noticed.

Client results

  • 53% Increase in website visitors from Google ads Aquatrust
  • 40% Increase in search engine web enquiries The Barista

What you'll get

Each specialist assesses what’s working, what’s not, and gives recommendations. You receive comments (plus explanations) on each area and traffic light scores for a quick view.

  • Technical health of your website
  • User friendliness
  • Web content and copy
  • SEO
  • Social media (by platform)
  • Design

"We have always felt in the hands of true professionals working with Your Engine Room, and they have helped The Barista to grow year on year."

Matthew Carr, Operations Directions, The Barista

What you'll gain

Your audit provides an impartial view of how you appear to the outside world. Find out about:

  • What’s working (and not working)
  • Faults and glitches that need fixing
  • Features your website is missing
  • Things other companies do better
  • How your business comes across

How do we do it?

Our digital marketing review scores your current online activity and provides practical feedback for things to improve on or implement, straight away. It tells you how your business is doing – the good, the bad and the average.

The review process is an easy way to re-focus your energies, pinpointing missed opportunities and suggesting new ways to start attracting fresh leads.

Get In Touch

You will be able to understand the results of your digital marketing audit without speaking to us. But we are more than happy to discuss the results and answer any questions on a call if you’d like to. Fill in the form and we will send your audit by email in 3 working days.

Get your audit

It requires no input from you!

Digital Marketing Audit

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